Seeking Professional Advice? Schedule a 1:1 Consult Call or a Social Media Audit.
1:1 Consultation Call
$150 (1 hour)
Consider booking a consultation call if you're looking for a casual yet informed discussion to navigate your marketing challenges and opportunities. This call is ideal if you need expert advice on enhancing your social media presence, refining your marketing strategies, or exploring new digital trends. It's perfect for getting personalized insights without the commitment of a full audit. If you're curious about how to optimize your content and improve engagement, or you're just feeling stuck with your current marketing efforts, this consultation can provide you with valuable guidance.
If you decide to continue with a monthly service after the call, we'll credit the cost of the consultation towards your first month’s bill.
At the end of our consultation, you have the option to add a detailed Social Media Audit for just $150 to dive deeper into your strategy.
Social Media Audit
Consider booking this Social Media Audit if you're evaluating agencies and need a straightforward assessment of your marketing strategy. This visual, written, and detailed audit reviews what's currently effective or lacking, helping you understand how to grow your audience, enhance engagement, and optimize your content. It's also great for exploring new trends that could elevate your online presence. If your efforts aren't delivering the desired results, this audit will provide the insights you need.
The time slot you are scheduling will be for a video conference to review your audit and address any questions and further details.
If you decide to continue with a monthly service post-audit, we'll apply the cost of the audit to your first month's bill.